
How Do I Become A Member

Become A Member

Patriot Guard Riders of New York is the state affiliate of Patriot Guard Riders - National organization.  By becoming a member of PGRNY, you will start receiving emails of Missions and Events in your Region once you have confirmed your subscription (please refer to the About Us section to see what Region you would  be subscribed to.) It is also important to be aware of our Membership Alerts link on our HOME page which contains the latest information regarding any issues we are experiencing with emails.

There are NO dues, NO meetings, the only prerequisite is an unabiding respect for our military service members, veterans and first responders; our country and our country's flag.

To become a PGRNY member, please click the button to go to the online registration form.

Once you have submitted the registration/subscription form, you will almost immediately receive a request to confirm you subscription to receive mission emails. If you don't see it, check your SPAM/JUNK mail folder and gmail users, check your Inbox CATEGORY UPDATES tab.


For information on our new mailing system or for any issues with receiving your mission emails, please check our Membership Alerts. You can get to it from our HOME page and from this direct link:

Address Changes

If you would like to keep your subscription to our Mission emails, but want to change your email address you may do so by clicking on Update preference. This link will appear on all PGRNY Mission or Communications emails.


Our Website

You are encouraged to explore our PGRNY website, especially this page on Membership and the section on Mission Participation.

Of great importance is the information regarding nonprofit registered 501(c)(3) and that we cannot be seen as supporting or commenting on anything of political nature. Please review the message from our PGR National Leadership that follows the mission participation section.

Should you have any question about anything regarding our organization, please do not hesitate to contact by using our Contact Form.

Patriot Guard Riders National

Patriot Guard Riders New York state and Patriot Guard Riders - National websites operate independently, so belonging to both organizations provides you with different benefits. Our website will send you missions for the region you have selected, while belonging to PGR National allows you to be able to purchase PGR gear from the PGR store as well as staying up to date with the organization as a whole. Patriot Guard Riders

Thank you for your desire to Honor our service members and support their families.

To familiarize yourself with the Patriot Guard Riders missions and what we do, please read the next section on Mission Participation.

Mission Participation

One of the ways PGR members honor the veterans who have served and continue to serve our country is to participate in Missions.  The time you give to stand for those who have stood for us is greatly appreciated.  Below are some guidelines regarding Mission etiquette, how our US flag should be handled, glossary of terms and more.

Of particular importance is that as a federally registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we cannot support anything political in nature.

These guidelines are not meant to be comprehensive.  Any questions you may have during a Mission should be directed to the Lead Ride Captain.

    PGR Member Code of Conduct

    Amended and published September 22, 2019 - PGR National

    As a PGR Member:

    I will adhere to the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) mission and vision statements, and incorporate the principles contained therein into all my actions as a PGR member.

    I will treat other PGR members with the same dignity and respect I would expect for myself.

    I will remember that my PGR membership role is a position of responsibility to those we serve.

    I will do everything in my power to demonstrate to Gold and Blue Star families, and families of veterans and home-front first-responders that the PGR honors them for the service and sacrifice of their loved ones. This is extended to activities honoring living individuals and units of these organizations. I will remember that our mission to honor these families and their wishes is my main priority as a PGR member.

    I recognize that my interactions with law-enforcement, government officials and the military reflect on the entire Patriot Guard Riders organization and can have far-reaching implications for those relationships in other areas. I will act accordingly, respecting the protocols and regulations of those agencies.

    In any interaction with the media and general public, I will avoid actions or communications which would negatively impact the reputation of good will toward the PGR. This includes actions which could present the appearance of political activism on behalf of PGR. The PGR is a non-political organization. I agree to maintain a strict non-political stance when representing the PGR in any capacity.

    Members are not required to participate in a minimum number of missions.  There is also no requirement that a member participate in the entire mission - your presence for as much as you are able is appreciated.  Should you arrive after the mission begins, see the Lead Ride Captain (LRC) for instructions.  Should you have to leave a mission early, let the LRC know this at the beginning of the mission and then just leave when you need to as discretely and quietly as possible.

    Every Patriot Guard Riders mission will be led by a Lead Ride Captain (LRC).  Ride Captains will be identified by a Maroon PGR cap. 

    The State Captain and Assistant State Captain will be identified by a Red PGR cap. 

    There may be one or more Ride Captains present at a Mission; however, there will be only one Lead Ride Captain who will be responsible for providing all the necessary information to conduct an honorable and dignified mission from motorcycle/cage escort protocols to establishing and placement of PGR flag lines.  The Lead Ride Captain for a particular Mission will be identified in the Mission details.

    Although there is no specific dress code, it should be kept in mind that Missions are about respect for our military.  Clothes should be clean and not contain anything that could be construed as being offensive or political in nature.  Weather permitting; most of our members are on motorcycles so they will be dressed in leather or denim.  Check the weather prior to a mission and dress appropriately for both comfort and safety.  Vests/jackets with PGR patches and PGR armbands are common, but they are not required.  PGR patches, armbands, and other PGR clothing, gear and accessories can be purchased through the PGR National website at:

    PGRNY members standing a flag line require a clean 3' x 5' US flag on a flag pole (most people have a 6' light-weight, collapsible pole). US Armed Forces branch flags may be requested by the LRC.

    Flag Line Etiquette:
    • Turn cell phones off or to mute.
    • No photos are to be taken during Honor Missions.  Photos during Honor Missions may be taken in the staging area only.
    • Stand tall, proud and silent.  Talking in the flag line should be kept to a minimum and should never be done with the family present.
    • Flags (3' x 5') are to be held STRAIGHT UP at all time and never dipped.   The flag should be held at an approximate height of 9' to 10'.   This can be accomplished when the butt of a 6' flag pole is held at waist height.
    • Where possible, each flag line member is an arms-length from the next flag line member.  The Flag Line will be adjusted if waving flags interfere with any aspect of the mission.
    • The Lead Ride Captain in charge will instruct you what Flag Salute protocol will be used during a particular mission.   The following are commands that may be issued during a mission:
      • Attention (or "ten-hut"):  Flag is held at the right side of your body
      • Present Arms:  flag held in front of your body
      • Order Arms:   flag is held at the right side of your body
      • At Ease:  flag pole be lowered as long as the flag remains straight up and does not touch the ground

                          (LRC will demonstrate the correct positioning for each of these flag presentations)

    • There is to be no drinking of fluids, smoking, or vaping in the Flag Line.  If you need to do either, quietly and discreetly remove yourself from the flag line.  Neatly roll up your flag when leaving a flag line.
    • Some Flag Line missions can be lengthy and no one is expected to stand reverently for long periods of time.  We encourage breaks when you think it appropriate for your personal comfort. 

    Escorts are usually provided by PGR members on motorcycles in good weather.  Members in cars and trucks (referred to as cages) are also welcome to participate in an escort.  Flags are not required for either motorcycles or cages.  Protocols for escorts during any of our missions will be covered by the Lead Ride Captain during the Mission briefing for that day.

    PGR Harassment Policy

    Date of document 09/22/2019 - PGR National

    Patriot Guard Riders affirms support of and adherence to the policies of the Government of United States, to provide equal opportunity in all programs, and activities for all members, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, parental status, and genetic information.

    The PGR strongly believes in an inclusive, volunteer environment that utilizes and values the unique qualities of our diverse membership. Capitalizing on the full potential of our diverse human capital and respecting the uniqueness and differences in cultures and values is fundamental to our success.

    The PGR is committed to preventing and correcting harassment in ALL forms of communications with our Members, soldiers and their families we serve, and any entity with whom our organization must work.

    Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct that interferes with any official PGR position, work, or performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Examples of behaviors that may be forms of harassment include, but are not limited to, unwelcome physical contact, stalking, obscene gestures or sounds, slurs, and posting of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group. Key factors of harassment under federal law are the severity and frequency of the misconduct. An isolated incident may not rise to the level of illegal harassment.

    Harassment by anyone in the PGR is prohibited. All members are encouraged to report incidents of alleged harassment immediately. Swift, thorough and impartial investigation of harassment allegations will be conducted and appropriate action will be taken.

    The PGR Board of Directors wishes to strongly emphasize that it is the responsibility of each and every member of the PGR to always promote and engage in practices free of discrimination and harassment, and to ensure that the doors of justice, equality, opportunity, and inclusion are open to all.

    Applicability and Enforcement:
    This Code of Conduct/Harassment Policy is applicable to activities or communications occurring on the PGR web site, forums and in mission staging areas, during PGR missions, events, or gatherings under the PGR name as well as member to member communication and/or contact when it is apparent that said contact was initiated because of PGR activities. Enforcement Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct and/or the Harassment Policy may be grounds for removal as a member.

    Revisions and Modifications:
    The PGR is committed to continuously reviewing and updating its policies and procedures. Therefore, the Code of Conduct/Harassment Policy is subject to revision and modification at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. Further, this Code of Conduct/Harassment Policy supersedes all other such codes, policies, procedures, instructions, practices, rules or written or verbal representations to the extent they are inconsistent.

    Blue Star Family:  Families of military personnel currently serving in the armed forces.

    Cage: Cars, trucks or any vehicle with more than 3 wheels.

    Escort:  Traveling on motorcycle or in a cage as part of the PGR group from one destination to another.

    Flag Line:  Members standing in a line holding an American flag.

    Gold Star Family:  Families of military personnel who have died in combat from World War II through present days.

    HOTH:  Help on the Homefront.  See website section for complete information.

    KSU:  Kick Stands Up.  The designated time to leave a particular location.

    LRC:  Lead Ride CaptainIf more than one Ride Captain is present on the mission, the Lead Ride Captain is in charge of coordinating and providing instructions.   He is the "go to" person at the mission.

    Mission:  Any number of ways PGRNY honors veterans.   Missions vary greatly and can include standing flag lines or providing escorts to veterans for such diverse events as calling hours, gravesite services, the return of Honor Flight  veterans and active military personnel, ceremonies honoring veterans, etc.

    NOA:  Not Otherwise Attended. NOA is listed for missions where no family members can be located for a veteran's internment.

    PGRNY:  Patriot Guard Riders of New York, Inc.

    RC:  Ride Captain.  Certain persons within the PGR organization who are responsible for coordinating and leading missions. 

    Region:  PGRNY is made up of 9 regions, with the regions being made up of groupings of adjoining counties.   See About Us for a breakdown of New York State by Region.

    SRC:  Senior Ride Captain

    Staging Area:  The place designated for members to meet prior to a Mission to get last minute updates and instructions.

    Stand Down:  The mission has been called off or cancelled.

    Sweep:  The last rider or cage in an event or mission ride.  Also may be referred to as a Tail Gunner, responible for all bikes in front and closes the ride column.

    Tail Gunner:  The last rider or cage in an event or mission ride.  Also may be referred to as a Sweep, responible for all bikes in front and closes the ride column.

    VRP:  Veteran Recovery Program.  See website section for complete information.

    Regarding Photos at PGR Funeral Missions.

    These are solemn occasions, not social events and it is disrespectful for a family to see us posing for pictures. Think about how you would feel if you were a family member and saw people taking pictures of themselves at their loved ones funeral. Although positive intent is assumed, it is not up to us to record these events and to do so makes it about us and not the families we serve.

    National guidance is:

    •  Once the honor mission begins, no photos should be taken.

    •  No photos should ever be taken of the casket or the family.

    •  Do not take pictures in or of the flag line, the mission has begun at that point and as a member you are there to stand flag line.

    The only exception to this would be if the family requests that we make family to make a photo record. If you get this request, convey it to Lead Ride Captain as soon as possible and he or she will make that determination and designate a person to take pictures. It goes without saying that the RC should never be that person. Further, these photos are to be given to the family and NOT posted in social media.

    Most states allow pictures in the staging area and this is acceptable. Posting mission photos on social media is discouraged but such an expectation is not realistic. If you must post on social media such as Facebook, please think CAREFULLY about the photo you select and the impact that it may have. Please also consider the number of photos posted and what message that conveys. Remember that once it’s out there, it’s out there forever. If you have questions at a mission, ask your Lead Ride Captain and follow that guidance. If you have additional questions, the ultimate decision is that of the State Captain.

    Note: State guidelines are listed on the website concerning what photos are appropriate for publishing to the Photo Gallery on our website.

    Message from PGR National Leadership

    Members of the Patriot Guard Riders,

    These are tumultuous times in the United States of America. That is an understatement.

    Your National Patriot Guard Riders leadership has received and continues to receive multiple requests to become involved in the upheaval in some way. I feel that you deserve to hear our response directly from me.

    This organization, the Patriot Guard Riders, has a defined mission. We exist to bring Comfort and show Honor that has been earned by this nation's defenders. We stand in hot sun and cold rain, not to make a political statement, but to honor our Fallen Warriors, our Veterans, our First Responders.

    The Patriot Guard Riders is a strictly non-political organization. Since all of the upheaval occurring around the country is, at it's root, a political issue – we are forbidden by our own Mission Statement and governing by-laws from injecting ourselves into the matter.

    Additionally, as a 501c3 non-profit organization, IRS rules prohibit our involvement in any political issue. To do so would jeopardize our tax exempt status.

    The short answer, Patriot Guard Riders will not become involved in protesting or counter protesting. We will continue to stand in hot sun and cold rain with our flags. We will strictly conform to our stated mission.

    If you decide to become involved on either side of these protests, we respect your right to do so. We do ask that you not wear any clothing or accessories that carries our name. Doing so would create the illusion that the PGR is involved.

    Thank you for your understanding, your Patriotism and your dedication to those whom we proudly serve.

    With Respect,

    David 'Bear' Noble
    Patriot Guard Riders, Inc.


    We want to keep everyone safe while riding and on a PGRNY mission.  Below are links to Group Riding video and an downloadable pdf of Quick Tips for Group Riding.  Remember these are tools and the Lead Ride Captain for a mission will be the final authority on exactly how the ride and mission will be conducted.

    PGR LOGO 600


    For information on how to DONATE or CONTACT US, Click HERE
