Donate/Contact Us
Answering Service
This is an unattended answering service. Please leave a message with your name, telephone number and subject matter. Providing us this information, we will be able to direct your call to the proper personnel that may answer your questions.
Someone will return your call within 48hrs.
585-866-1PGR (585-866-1747)
Fax # 888-796-6594
In Memory Of Donations
If you would like to make a donation in memory of someone by check, please supply us with in memory of name and name and address is of where we may send an acknowledgement of your donation.
If you would like to make an in memory of donation via PayPal using a credit card, simply click the "Plus" sign to write an optional note and supply us with the in memory of name and the name and address of where the acknowledgement should be sent.
Thank you.

PGRNY is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Patriot Guard Riders of New York Inc. is a Federally registered 501(c)(3) organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 26-0620434. 100% of all donations are used to assist veterans. Our staff, leadership and members are 100% volunteer, we have no paid employees.
Contact Information
Contact Form
If you would like to contact us, other than for a Funeral Mission or Event Mission, please use our Contact Form.
Please DO NOT use the Contact Form for requesting PGRNY for a Funeral or Event.
Click here to request a Funeral Mission
Click here to request an Event Mission
Answering Service
This is an unattended answering service. Please leave a message with your name, telephone number and subject matter. Providing us this information, we will be able to direct your call to the proper personnel that may answer your questions.
Someone will return your call within 48hrs.
585-866-1PGR (585-866-1747)
Fax # 888-796-6594