Help On The Homefront


Help On The Homefront Program Change


PGRNY wishes to serve all of our US Armed Forces Veterans and active military heroes, not only those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Help On The Homefront (HOTH) is the PGRNY’s program to offer that assistance.

Through the years our HOTH program had changed and been revamped many times to be more inclusive of those U.S. Armed Forces veterans who require some financial assistance due to an unforeseen financial hardship brought about by circumstances or events that were beyond the veteran's control. Our assistance was also in the form of security deposit/first month rent or one-time delivery of new furniture to U.S. Armed Forces homeless veterans who were in financial need and had been a resident of an in-house program receiving counseling/treatment with Department of Veterans Affairs or other valid veteran agency and were moving into their own residence.

Since the inception of the HOTH program in New York state in 2010, we have to date of this article, provided more than $507k in assistance to US military veterans in crisis throughout New York State.

Effective March 16, 2025, the Patriot Guard Riders of New York HOTH program will no longer be made available to individual applicants.

Due to the long-term effects of COVID, and the revamping of many other veteran support programs within New York state and nationally, the HOTH program has experienced a steady decline in qualified applicants for our HOTH assistance.

This has required PGRNY management to rethink the basic HOTH policies and guidelines.

Going forward, the purpose of the PGRNY HOTH program will be to focus solely on providing basic needs type assistance to our less-fortunate homeless veterans throughout the state of New York, in conjunction with well-established and reputable veteran service organizations only. This will provide those US Armed Forces veterans the basic necessities of life.

To request more information or to contact us regarding HOTH, please fill out our Contact Form, you will receive a reply within 48 hours.

HOTH Mission Statement

Help on the Homefront (HOTH) is a volunteer outreach program of Patriot Guard Riders. The program is to assists our military veterans and their families. Our veterans have earned our respect and gratitude for their selfless, heroic acts.  Through our HOTH program, we can assist these heroes who may now need our help.  

We are only able to continue supporting our veterans through HOTH by the generous donations from the community.  Please consider donating today.



For information on how to DONATE or CONTACT US, Click HERE
