Patrick Gordon

July 10, 2009


Please pass this email on to my friends at the PGR. They showed up at my uncle’s funeral, Patrick Gordon on Saturday June 27 and this email is from my cousin, his daughter who lives in CA and has a son and daughter currently serving in the US Army with multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.


My personal THANKS to everyone at the PGR not only for your quick response for my uncles funeral, but for all those that you pay honor and final respects to.

God Bless you all.

Patrick W. Welch, PhD,  Sgt. USMC (Ret)
Erie County Veterans Services Agency

Hello Patrick,
Thank you again for all that you did for my dad!  It means so much to me and I know it was not easy considering you and Carol were getting ready to leave town as well as having last minute company staying at your home.  There were about 15 or so PGR at his service and I was so appreciative.  After the service, I walked over near where they were "standing guard" and tapped my heart and pointed to them all.  For any to have shown up at that short of notice was wonderful.  I have been to many OEF and OIF funerals of service members the last few years, two of which were close friends of my son, and every time the PGR has been there in tribute and support.

I also want to thank you for what you do for the local Veterans.  Especially as a Veteran yourself, I am sure what you do is very rewarding!  I would love to be able to work at the local VA here but it is very hard to get into - however I will keep trying!

Family was very important to my dad and I know that he loved you and always thought very highly of you.  As you said at the funeral home we have not had much contact over the years but I too have thought and think of you often and I would also hope that you were doing well.  I guess a special "kinship" if you will. 

With love to you and yours,



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