August 20, 2010
Thank you from the Gold Star Mothers following the escort for the GSM memorial statue from Gettysburg PA to its new home in Manchester NH for an unveiling ceremony:
Dearest Friends,
I think of you all as friends after the event we shared last Sunday. It has taken this many days for the overwhelming feelings to settle in my mind and heart.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the honest, sincere affection from you riders/veterans toward me and the other Gold Star Mothers. Seeing you all lined up,
waiting for us to roll in, watching your faces when my husband stood "The Lady" in the back of my truck left me speechless, but the tears rolled down my face as they do the statue.The many stories we shared, the many hugs and tears will forever be etched in my memory. I have never been involved in such an event before and the thunder from all those bikes roaring into the street, the long line stretched as far as I could see behind me was awesome!
I truly want to thank each and every one of you for the heartwarming, wonderful, inspiring, memorable day you gave me. I know my son, Tim, was beside me all the way and was enjoying himself and thanking you all for giving his mom such joy.
May God bless you all and keep you safe.
Elaine Gibson
Proud Gold Star Mom of
Cpl. Timothy M. Gibson, USMC