Memorial Mission
Vietnam War 50th Commemoration Ceremony
and Lapel Pin Presentation

All Military Branches

Glenville, NY - 03/29/2025
Mission applies to the following Region(s):
Region 4, Region 5
About the Mission:
The Schenectada Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution are hosting a recognition ceremony honoring Vietnam War Era veterans, and have once again invited Patriot Guard Riders to attend. Vietnam War Era Veterans attending will be presented with Commemorative Pins and Certificates in recognition of their service during that era.
March 29 is a fitting choice for a day honoring Vietnam Veterans. It was chosen to be observed in perpetuity, as March 29, 1973 was the day United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam was disestablished and also the day the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam. In addition, on and around this same day, Hanoi released the last of its acknowledged prisoners of war.
Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:
03/29/2025 at 12:30pm
Staging Location:
Empire State Aerosciences Museum
250 Rudy Chase Drive
Glenville, NY 12302
Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:
Ray Sestak
Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:
Updated 15, May 2024
The CDC has changed its COVID-19 protocol recommendations for 2024, updating them to reflect the changing severity and transmission of the virus. Please click here for the latest information and continue to practice common sense distancing protocols while in enclosed locations.
Special Information:
Staging at the Aerosciences Museum with a flag line during the presentation ceremonies.
Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?
Submitted by:
Ray Sestak
rs 03/12; MER