Special Mission
50th Vietnam Anniversary Commemorative Medal
and DOD Lapel Pinning Ceremony
All Military Branches

Garden City, NY - 11/02/2024
Mission applies to the following Region(s):
Region 8, Region 9
About the Mission:
The Long Island Air Force Association has invited Patriot Guard Riders to attend the Vietnam Anniversary Commemorative Medal Ceremony, honoring 30 Long Island residentVietnam Veterans with medals. The Ceremony is scheduled to begin at 11:30AM.
LIAFA will make a special presentation to the Australian Embassy from Washington D.C. Showing our thanks to the Australian Vietnam Veterans who served. They had 60,000 troops involved in Vietnam and lost 3,500 during the war.
Major General James Chrystal of the DOD is the Director of the 50th Vietnam Anniversary Commemorative program and will be a special guest. He will be attending and assisting with the presentation of the medals and lapel pinning for our Vietnam Era veterans.
Please join us in support of our Vietnam veterans.
Click here to view the event flyer
Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:
11/02/2024 at 11:00am
Staging Location:
American Museum of Armor
1303 Round Swamp Rd.
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:
Mike Osip
Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:
Updated 15, May 2024
The CDC has changed its COVID-19 protocol recommendations for 2024, updating them to reflect the changing severity and transmission of the virus. Please click here for the latest information and continue to practice common sense distancing protocols while in enclosed locations.
Special Information:
Be sure to bring your 3'x5' US Flag. See RC Mike Osip for instructions.
Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?
Submitted by:
Wayne Cohen - SRC Region 8 NY
rs 10/15; MER