US Flag


Special Mission

Veterans Night at the Valley Cats

All Military Branches
All Branches incl SpaceForce

Troy, NY - 06/13/2024


Mission applies to the following Region(s):

Region 4, Region 5

About the Mission:

As part of the festivities of the Valley Cats Veterans and Military Appreciation night, we have been invited once again, before the game, to process our Flag Bikes around the warning track and stand a flag line during the Presentation Of The Colors, and the playing of the National Anthem. With only a slight chance of rain and warm temperatures forecast, it looks like a great night for taking in a baseball game, and an even better night for honoring our vets and showing appreciation to all military. Those coming by cages will be let down on the field for the flag line as the bikes are coming onto the field.

All veterans will be offered a complimentary ticket, and non veterans/military members will receive the group rate of $11 per ticket (a $5 savings). Please bring the exact change. Reserved parking for our bikes will be in front of the box office. As Martin needs a head count to obtain the tickets, please respond on our PGRNY R4 and 5 Facebook page or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let him know to count you in.

Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:

06/13/2024 at 05:45pm

Staging Location:

Joe Bruno Stadium
80 Vandenburgh Ave.
Troy, NY 12180
On the campus of HVCC

Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:

Martin Kaiser
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Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:

Updated 15, May 2024

The CDC has changed its COVID-19 protocol recommendations for 2024, updating them to reflect the changing severity and transmission of the virus. Please click here for the latest information and continue to practice common sense distancing protocols while in enclosed locations.

Special Information:

Staging will take place in a reserved parking space in front of the stadium at 5:45 PM. We will proceed with flag bikes to the left field gate for a 6:10 PM entrance onto the warning track and will proceed around the field and form a flag line along the first and third base line during the Presentation of the Colors and the playing of our National Anthem. Non-riding PGR members will proceed from the stands down to the field to join the flag line. Reserved seating for PGR members and guests will be behind the home team dugout.

Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?


Submitted by:

Ray Sestak

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