Special Mission
Rochester Corvette Club and Red Wings
Memorial Day Public Memorial Mission
All Military Branches
Rochester, NY - 05/29/2023
Mission applies to the following Region(s):
Region 1, Region 2
About the Mission:
This is the 5th annual Parade of Honor preceding the Memorial Day Redwings game. Twelve Corvettes with two Veterans in each for a total of 24 from all branches of the service. This will be led by PGR into the Stadium. Red Wing tickets will be provided to PGR members who attend the ceremony.
Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:
05/29/2023 at 02:15pm
Staging Location:
Rochester Innovative Field
(formerly Frontier Field}
VIP parking area
One Morrie Silver Way
Rochester, NY 14608
Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:
Bob Harder -
Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:
Updated 8 March 2022
Based on the most current COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines: Protect Yourself and Your Family from COVID-19, and CDC Guidelines of 3 March 2022, going forward, the Lead Ride Captain for any mission will be responsible for determining whether PGR members will have to mask up or not. Please ensure that you have a mask with you, should the need arise, and respect the LRC’s decision in these matters.
Special Information:
Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?
Bob Harder
rs 05/14; MER