US Flag


Sendoff Mission

World War II Veterans Sendoff
Normandy and New Oleans

US Army and US Navy

Fairport, NY - 05/05/2024

***UPDATED 04 May 2024 - 07:38 hrs***
Stage point has been moved indoors.
See updated info below.


Mission applies to the following Region(s):

Region 1, Region 2

About the Mission:

This mission is a bon voyage reception honoring five WWII Veterans who will attend a commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, in Normandy, France and the National WW II Museum, New Orleans.  One of the Normandy bound veterans is a 102 year old US Navy radio man who was on a ship in the Pacific during Iwo Jima.

Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:

05/05/2024 at 01:30pm

Staging Location:

Perinton Historical Museum
18 Perrin Street
Fairport, NY 14450

Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:

Bobby Rinck
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:

Updated 8 March 2022

Based on the most current COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines: Protect Yourself and Your Family from COVID-19, and CDC Guidelines of 3 March 2022, going forward, the Lead Ride Captain for any mission will be responsible for determining whether PGR members will have to mask up or not. Please ensure that you have a mask with you, should the need arise, and respect the LRC’s decision in these matters.

Special Information:


Due to the weather prediction of over 80 percent rain, the organizers have moved the Patriot Guard Riders to an inside position, out of the rain, to stand a flag line for the Send Off celebration. Members will stage at 1:30 pm and stand as guests arrive for the 2:00pm sendoff celebration.  Please come and join us with a clean US Flag and dress for the weather as it is forecast to be in the 50's with showers threatening.

The program will start at 2:30 pm and our mission will be complete.  You are invited to stay for the remainder of the program if you so choose. Thank you for joining me for this short sendoff mission to honor our Greatest Generation. 

Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?


Submitted by:

Bobby Rinck

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

rs 04/30; MER



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