Memorial Mission
Officer Cameron Girvin
Virginia Beach Police Officer
PGR Member
Rochester, NY - 03/22/2025
Mission applies to the following Region(s):
Region 1, Region 2
About the Mission:
The family of Virginia Beach Police Officer Cameron Girvin has requested PGR presence at the Memorial Service for their son. Officer Girvin, who is originally from the Rochester area, was on duty in Virginia Beach when he and his partner were violently shot down in the line of duty. Both officers succumbed to their injuries.
Official ceremonies were held in Virginia Beach previously. This mission is a Memorial Service for family and friends here in Monroe County. There will not be any escort or transfers taking place. It will involve standing an honorable flag line outside the church. The Memorial Service is expected to start at 11:00 AM.
Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:
03/22/2025 at 09:00am
Staging Location:
Staging and cage parking at ;
The Mall at Greece Ridge - parking lot (South West corner)
271 Greece Ridge Center Drive
Rochester, NY 14626
See Special Information section below.
Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:
John P McMullen
Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:
Updated 15, May 2024
The CDC has changed its COVID-19 protocol recommendations for 2024, updating them to reflect the changing severity and transmission of the virus. Please click here for the latest information and continue to practice common sense distancing protocols while in enclosed locations.
Special Information:
All PGR arriving in cages must park at the Mall. Any motorcycles flying colors will be able to park at the church parking lot on Straub Rd. Parking will be an issue as it is expected that over 100 LEO and first responders will be attending as well as family and friends. There will be a shuttle bus to provide transportation to the church from the Mall parking lot. Please be sure you have your clean 3x5 US flags and dress for the weather as we will be outside for the duration.
The church is:
Park Ridge Free Methodist Church
10 Straub Road
Rochester, NY 14626
Please plan to attend this honorable mission if available.
Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?
Submitted by:
John McMullen
rs 03/17; MER