HOTH Mission
Memorial Day Parade
Waterloo, NY
All Military Branches
Waterloo, NY - 05/27/2023
Mission applies to the following Region(s):
Region 1, Region 2, Region 3
About the Mission:
Patriot Guard Riders has again been asked to join in the Waterloo Memorial Parade. As we know, Waterloo was designated as the Official Birthplace of Memorial Day in 1966. Our part, as in the past, is to:
1. Help push those veterans who are wheel chair bound through the parade. And, as I have learned in past, the Veterans prefer a lady to push them, lol. They expect to have 19 veterans in need of help to push them through the parade. Because of COVID, they have lost some of the helpers they have used in the past. (Anyone helping a veteran through the parade must wear a face mask to help protect the Veteran.)
2. PGR will also take part in the opening of parade by motorcycle right behind the Waterloo Legion Riders, so we won’t be overheating bikes.
3. In the past, we have also been asked to help carry a huge flag through the parade. (Depending on PGR turn out, decides if we do it this year or not)
Participation is needed in a few different ways to show your support for our veterans. It’s what the day is for.
Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:
05/27/2023 at 09:45am
Staging Location:
Line up starts at 10am. Kickoff is at 11am sharp. Please arrive early so we can coordinate with everyone needed there the morning of.
We are in Unit 1 as they call it, and we will be starting off on Clark Street between Main St and E. Williams St. Look for my bike, it will be flying our PGR flag.
Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:
Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:
Updated 8 March 2022
Based on the most current COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines: Protect Yourself and Your Family from COVID-19, and CDC Guidelines of 3 March 2022, going forward, the Lead Ride Captain for any mission will be responsible for determining whether PGR members will have to mask up or not. Please ensure that you have a mask with you, should the need arise, and respect the LRC’s decision in these matters.
Special Information:
Anyone pushing a veteran through parade has to wear a face mask for the veterans welfare.
UPDATE - Will be adding an escort from Canandaigua VA Behind building 7, starting at 8 am to help load the veterans onto buses. KSU at 9 am sharp. Will be escorted at first by Police.Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?
Submitted by:
Daniel Ritz
rs 05/22; MER