
SRC - Wayne Cohen

October 30, 2017

I have the honor of informing you that Bill Schaaf has asked if he would, and Wayne has accepted the position of the Senior Ride Captain of Region 8, (Nassau County as well as NYC). As Wayne will be continuing on as our Mission Request Coordinator,

the position he stepped up to when we lost Smidi, I am sure it will be effective on the mission requested for Region 8.

Wayne is a dedicated, smart and energetic person who is always there for or heroes, veterans and the PGR.

This is a position that Pete Jepson graciously offered to take on along with his SRC of region 8 a couple of years ago when the need to him was apparent. Pete has done an outstanding job leading all of NYC and Long Island. He is also smart enough to know the first rule in volunteer management is to start looking for your own replacement as soon as you are given a position so no matter what happens the to you the Organization can go on.

So I thank you Pete for the great job and for proposing the Wayne be appointed to this position.

Wayne, I and all the rest of State leadership are here for you and we congratulate you, as well as, thank you for Standing for those who stand for us.

Jim McElroy
Assistant State Captain Patriot Guard Riders, NY



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