US Flag


Unofficial Mission

5th Annual Upstate NY Wounded Vet Run

All Military Branches
All Branches incl SpaceForce

Multi-City, NY - 07/30/2022


Mission applies to the following Region(s):

Region 4, Region 5

About the Mission:

The organizers of the 5th Annual Upstate NY Wounded Vet Run have asked Patriot Guard Riders to lead this year's ride.

This year's Honoree is United States Marine Corps Sergeant Jeffrey Combs. While deployed to Iraq in 2004 during Operation Phantom Fury, Sgt Combs was wounded when he came in contact with two separate IEDs as well as enemy gunfire. His wounds included facial lacerations, a gunshot wound in the left calf, and his left arm was amputated above the elbow. Sgt Combs received two Purple Hearts for his wounds.

Registration starts at 09:00 a.m. Come hungry...current Rensselaer County Sheriff's Office Under Sheriff and US Army Combat Veteran Sgt Major Ret. PJ Higgitt will be preparing breakfast sandwiches for $5.00, including a bottle of water. All proceeds to our Honoree!

The ride will begin at Brunswick Harley at 12:00 Noon, and end at the Wicked Eatery, Route 9, Clifton Park. This is a rain or shine event.

Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:

07/30/2022 at 11:15am

Staging Location:

Brunswick Harley Davidson
1130 Hoosick Road
Troy, NY 12180

Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:

Martin Kaiser - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:

Updated 8 March 2022

Based on the most current COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines: NYS Guidelines of 2 March 2022, and CDC Guidelines of 3 March 2022, going forward, the Lead Ride Captain for any mission will be responsible for determining whether PGR members will have to mask up or not. Please ensure that you have a mask with you, should the need arise, and respect the LRC’s decision in these matters.

Special Information:

Staging at Brunswick Harley under the direction of the event organizers. There will be LEO escort followed by PGR large flag bikes, then all other riders. Registration opens at 09:00 am, KSU at 12:Noon. For those wishing to contribute, Registration is $20.00 for the rider, and $10.00 for a passenger. Ride will end at the Wicked Eatery, 1602 Route 9, Clifton Park, approximately 16 miles. Riders please ensure that that bike flags are securely fastened.

Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?


Submitted by:

Ray Sestak

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

rs 07/12; MER



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