US Air Force


Honor Mission

Test Mission for Moderators

US Air Force

Anytown, NY - 06/30/2022


Mission applies to the following Region(s):

Region 4, Region 5

About the Mission:

Test Mission

Primary Staging Date and Staging Time:

06/30/2022 at 12:00pm

Staging Location:

123 Main Street
Anytown, NY 11123

Lead Ride Captain and Contact Info:

Captain Ahab - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Special Covid-19 Mission Guidelines:

Updated 8 March 2022

Based on the most current COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines: NYS Guidelines of 2 March 2022, and CDC Guidelines of 3 March 2022, going forward, the Lead Ride Captain for any mission will be responsible for determining whether PGR members will have to mask up or not. Please ensure that you have a mask with you, should the need arise, and respect the LRC’s decision in these matters.

Special Information:

Test Mission

Is there a Second Stage to this Mission?


Submitted by:

Ray Sestak

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

rs 06/28



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