
Treasurer-Patsy Boisvert

April 6, 2018
I would like to announce, with PGR NY Board of Directors approval, the election of Patsy Boisvert to the position of Treasurer along with its attendant seat on the BOD. Patsy brings with her vast experience in the administration and management of financials in not-for-profit organizations.

We are pleased to have her aboard.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Sabine Reid who previously held this Treasurers position for the last 18 months after coordinating a successful transition from long time Treasurer, Laurie Martin. Sabine brought to the position the requisite experience and attention to detail and continued the long held tradition of transparent accountability. With increased responsibilities at work, Sabine felt the need to step down at this time.

The Patriot Guard Riders of New York are fortunate to have such volunteers in our midst - willing to step up and do the work that is required.

Welcome aboard, Patsy.

Bill Schaaf
Patriot Guard Riders NY - State Captain



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