
Region 6 Announces RC Pamela Rhodes

We are honored to announce the appointment of Pamela Rhodes as a Ride Captain for Region 6 of PGRNY.
Pamela has been a member since 2018 when she became familiar with PGR at Saratoga National Cemetery. "To be asked to represent as Ride Captain is a role I take to heart and will do my best for each mission. The PGR members I've met so far have all been welcoming and protective.  I feel an immediate sense of family and camaraderie.  I am grateful to stand for an honorable organization and a worthy cause!"
Pamela has stood in for me at a missions, she didn't hesitate and did a great job.
Please join me in congratulating Pamela.
Bob Boisvert
Patriot Guard Riders R6 SRC
PGRNY Moderator
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(updated 04/16/2024)




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